Archive for February, 2007

RFID Powder changes the debate

Wednesday, February 28th, 2007

You know those clunky RFID tags (an example below) that most of us have in mind when we’re debating the usefulness of RFID in libraries? The ones that are about an inch or two wide and and inch or two high. Now look at the little dots in the picture to the left, shown magnified next to a human hair. These are the newest generation of RFID tags being developed by Hitachi: RFID ‘Powder’.

These tiny chips can easily be incorporated into paper, making money, gift certificates, etc, extremely difficult to conterfeit…and they might have interesting implications for libraries. For better or worse, advances in RFID technology may soon make them irresistable to libraries on a budget, regardless of other concerns. Cheap, invisible, woven right into the fabric of new books-the days of the barcode might be numbered.

Video: for health info

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

Anyone interested in the health information/informatics/librarianship field might find useful this video created by Eugene Barsky, University of British Columbia Physiotherapy Outreach Librarian: Mastering for Health Information: the Very Quick Guide.

Eugene maintains the UBC Physio Info-blog, an excellent source of information for anyone interested in not just physiotherapy information but health information in general. According to Eugene:

This blog mandate is to: 1) Discuss physiotherapy informatics with an emphasis on Evidence-Based Practice; 2) Present new physiotherapy information (focus on BC and Canada); 3) Encourage comments and information sharing among physiotherapists; and 4) Encourage international collaboration

Other recent posts include: New Audiocast >> Evidence Based Practice - Step 2 - Appraising the Evidence: How do I know the article is any good? How to appraise the literature (Quantitative articles – practical session) and Evaluating the professional libraries of practicing physical therapists.

February 2007 issue

Thursday, February 15th, 2007






Eli Guinnee
A new context for knowledge creation: letter from the editor

Michael J. D. Sutton
Accepting Knowledge Management into the LIS fold : an interdisciplinary approach


Edith Speller
Collaborative tagging, folksonomies, distributed classification or ethnoclassification: a literature review


Ozlem Bayram and Astrid Emil
The Dede Korkut digital library: a student project faces the real world

Monique Lloyd
The underrepresented Native American student: diversity in Library Science

A.S. Popowich
Carlyle, Panizzi, and the Public Library Ideal


David McCaslin
Review of Legal Solutions in Electronic Reserves and the Electronic Delivery of Interlibrary Loan, by Janet Brennan Croft (2004)

Logan Rath
Review of Tips and Other Bright Ideas for Secondary School Libraries: Volume Three, edited by Sherry York (2006)

Laura Reed
Review of Copyright for Schools: A Practical Guide, 4th ed., by Carol Simpson (2005)

Beth Steinbruckner
Review of Getting Graphic, by Michelle Gorman (2003)

Diary of an Iraqi librarian

Friday, February 9th, 2007

A New York Times article yesterday discussed the Diary of Saad Eskander, Director of the Iraq National Library and Archive, which appears sporadically on the British Library website. According to the Times:

For a month now, Dr. Eskander’s intermittent diary entries have been appearing on the Web site of the British Library (, and they detail the daily hurdles of keeping Iraq’s central library open, preserving the surviving archives and books and, oh yes, staying alive…. Working to replace rare books and documents that have been destroyed, Dr. Eskander has been in touch with the British Library ever since the Iraq Library and Archive was burned and looted in 2003 when Mr. Hussein’s regime fell. The British Library is trying to send another shipment of microfilm and books, Ms. Finlayson said, although, she added: “Our contact is quite sporadic — it’s difficult to get material there. It’s hard for him to keep in touch.”

The journal details the unimaginable difficulties of operating a library in times of war. Here is an excerpt from Dr. Eskander’s most recent entry:

I was informed on the same day that two of our technicians were kidnapped by unknown armed men in Al-Ghazaliya area. Fortunately, both were realised unharmed, thought they were verbally abused. Mr. C, the head of the Restoration Laboratory, received a death threat. He and his family left their house. I visited the Restoration Laboratory. It was hit by 5 bullets. Two windows were broken as a result. One of the restorers told me that her brother was murdered ten days a go for sectarian reasons. Another restorer told me that he cousin, who lived in Mosul, in northern Iraq, was also murdered for sectarian reasons. I did not know about these two incidents. I discovered that a number of my staff do not inform the administration about their ordeals for fear of reprisals.

New LSJ Editors’ Blog

Friday, February 2nd, 2007

Welcome to the new LSJ Editors’ Blog! We’re taking the leap from Blogger to a self-hosted WordPress blog. Even more exciting, we’re opening up the blog to contributions from the entire Editorial Board, a distinguished group of future LIS professionals with a wide variety of interests and experiences.

All new posts will be made on the new blog—the the old blog will no longer be updated. Apologies for any inconvenience to regular readers, but we really think the new format will be an improvement.

The Editors, Library Student Journal